Boil the Water: Fill a medium-sized pot with water and bring it to a rolling boil over high heat.
Add the Eggs: Carefully lower the eggs into the boiling water using a spoon. Reduce the heat to medium-high to maintain a gentle boil.
Cook the Eggs: Set a timer for exactly 6 minutes for jammy eggs. Adjust the time slightly for softer or firmer yolks.
Prepare the Ice Bath: While the eggs are cooking, fill a bowl with ice and water to create an ice bath.
Chill the Eggs: Once the timer goes off, immediately transfer the eggs to the ice bath to stop the cooking process. Let them sit for about 3 minutes.
Peel and Serve: Gently tap the eggs on a hard surface to crack the shells, then peel them under running water for easier removal. Slice in half, season with salt and pepper if desired, and enjoy!
Enjoy your perfect jammy eggs any time of the day with this simple and reliable recipe!
Keyword how to make jammy eggs, jammy eggs, soft boiled eggs